`src/interview/data.py` contains an example function to build the classic [Iris dataset](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/datasets/plot_iris_dataset.html). You can extend this as you see fit to create one or more custom datasets relevant to your business. There is a Poetry script to run the `make_data` function and build the dataset, which you can run with:
This will copy your data and notebook to the container, install any packages you specified in your `pyproject.toml` file, then run the notebook in the container. Jupyter will be available on port 8888. Take not of the authentication token.
### Setup a Tunnel
Start Ngrok with `ngrok http 8888`. This will give you the URL you will share with the candidate, as illustrated below.
By following this link the candidate can login to Jupyter Lab running in the container on your machine using the Jupyter authentication token you took note of above.